How to re-upload flights on eGCA?
There may be instances when you need to re-uploaded data to your eGCA profile. Wingman app provides you the means to do it easily.
The best part being since your entries are always stored for you, you don't need to re-enter the details, but only re-upload the existing entries, with changes, if any.

In the Wingman app, the entries have to be unlocked and marked as 'Not uploaded', to allow them to be uploaded again. Deleting data from your eGCA profile would not be reflected in the app.

To change the eGCA verifier, please follow the given article for the procedure.
To unlock the entries in the Wingman app follow the steps given below.
1. Go to My flights page and click on the intended flight. The flight details would show up.
2. Click on the 'lock' icon as shown to edit the flight and click on 'show' for the eGCA details to be shown.
3. Mark the flight as not uploaded and press save.
4. The green chevrons that denote the flight as uploaded, will be removed
4. Go ahead and re-upload the flight(s)
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