Wingman lets you add flights for any date easily. You can make manual entries for past or future flights for your own use.
Manual entry is made easy using the search and select boxes which ensure you don't have to type the same things repeatedly.
Lets see how -
Adding a Flight
➤ Open the Wingman app and click on the 'My Flights' page.

➤ Press the '+' icon to add a flight.
➤ Fill all the mandatory fields and other fields about the flight.
➤ Click 'Save' and your flight is added digitally to your Wingman profile.
➤ There is also an option of Saving the flight and uploading directly to eGCA in order to reduce the workload of separately entering the same flight data into your eGCA profile.

Fill all the mandatory fields marked with a *

Note: For uploading flights to eGCA current entry, 'Out Time' and 'In Time' fields are mandatory as well)
The general fields such as Date, Registration, Aircraft type, From and To airport, Operating capacity, PIC and Co pilot name, Out time, In time and Distance of flight can be filled with ease.
Automatic Calculations - Night and Total time
The Total time field is calculated by the app algorithm automatically.
The Night Duration field is calculated automatically by default

Night duration is calculated if Date, Airports, and block timings are filled. Night calculation is done using a sophisticated algorithm, that works for any pair of airports around the world.
The timings under PIC day/night, Dual Day/night, Co Pilot Day/night are auto filled based on the values filled from top. You may modify these if the logged time is different than the total block time, such as for Long Haul flights
Instrument Timings
Instrument timings can be added as well in IFR actual field.
To add IFR simulated time, please open the 'Other Details' section by scrolling below
Other details such as Type of Approach, instructor's name, number of take off and landings in day and night can be added to the flight detail as well.
STL - Supervised Takeoff and Landing
STL checkbox helps mark the flights which are to be shown as P1US experience upon upload to your eGCA profile. However, for your main calculation of your own hours, they still need to be counted as Co Pilot. STL checkbox field caters for this, while ensuring hrs being uploaded as P1US only in eGCA.
For flights to be shown as STL/STOL ,
- Select operating capacity as Co Pilot
- Tick STL
- This ensures that the flight's hours are counted towards co pilot towards your main logbook.
- The app does the work in the background to upload these flights as P1US and make it count towards the P1US experience requirements. It also selects the eGCA flight purpose of 'Supervised Takeoff and landing' automatically.

PF - Pilot Flying
PF checkbox is a shortcut to mark one takeoff and one landing for the flight. This helps in tracking the number of takeoff and landings and helps in tracking your recency of takeoffs and landings, via the recency widgets on home page.
Cross country
Cross country check box is auto ticked when distance between airports is more than 100NM. This also selects the flight purposes as cross country day(for day and partial day/night flights) and cross country night(for full night flights).
When uploaded with the above cross country parameters, the experience for cross country requirement gets recorded on your eGCA ID directly.